This article is reviewed, corrected, and approved by: Dr. Joshua Collins M.D. | MRCP। FRCP
Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition where your heart rate increases rapidly after standing up from a sitting or lying position. Changing your lifestyle can help, but some people may need medicines as well.
If an applicant meets the disability definition and criteria from the SSA Blue Book listing, POTS means Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and it is considered a disability.
As per the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), POTS disability is not specified on the list of disabling medical conditions. In this article, I am going to narrate how POTS and disability are related and how you can get POTS disability benefits.
What Is POTS - Postural Tachycardia Syndrome?
Chronic POTS, also known as postural orthostatic tachycardia, is a condition that has a dramatic impact on quality of life. This condition causes the autonomic nervous system to malfunction, which causes high blood pressure or high heartbeat. The condition is also known as neurogenic orthostatic hypotension.
"POTS" is a type of dysautonomia. A malfunction of the autonomic nervous system can cause problems regulating heart rate, high blood pressure, and other functions. You feel faint, vertigo, and other symptoms. When standing from a supine (prone) position, POTS is commonly characterized by a markedly increased heart rate.
There are times when POTS appears alone, but it is often found along with EDS and CFS. The symptoms of POTS may prevent some people from working while others can live and function normally. POTS can be difficult to qualify for long-term disability benefits because it is not medically understood.
POTS Disability Syndromes

There are certain symptoms of postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) that occur while you are standing up and disappear when you lie down, including:
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Fainting or almost fainting
- An abnormal heartbeat or heart palpitations
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Shaking and sweating
Other symptoms, such as:
- Stomach problems, such as feeling sick, being sick, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and tummy pain.
- Headaches and problems with your vision, such as tunnel vision or blurred vision.
- A feeling of weakness and extreme tiredness (fatigue), inability to exercise, and poor sleep
- There is a fog in the brain (problems with concentration, remembering, and thought)
Causes Of Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

There is no clear cause of postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Gradually or suddenly, it can develop. It can affect some people mildly, while it can affect others severely.
It is possible for symptoms to be worse in the morning and to change from day to day. You may experience worse symptoms if you do the following:
- Having a hot feeling
- Consuming refined carbohydrates such as white bread, especially
- Drinking insufficient fluids
- Alcohol consumption
- Over resting
- Physical activity
- Having your period
Types Of POTS
Orthostatic intolerance (OI) is one of the medical conditions associated with POTS. When standing, a patient observes symptoms of low blood pressure (BP). There are three types of POTS:
Neuropathic POTS
It affects the nerves. Legs and core muscles weaken when nerve supply is lost.
Hyperadrenergic POTS
This type of condition causes patients' blood to be filled with lots of norepinephrine since their sympathetic nervous system is overactive. When you are standing, your blood pressure increases, and your heart rate increases.
Low Blood Volume POTS
This form of POTS can be caused by a reduction in blood volume. Neuralgic and hyperadrenergic symptoms may be similar to low blood volume.
Is POTS Considered A Disability?
When an applicant meets the SSA Blue Book disability criteria, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) can be considered a disability. Disabilities such as POTS are not listed as disabling medical conditions under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
The individual must demonstrate that their impairment makes it impossible for them to effectively maintain employment in order to qualify for POTS disability benefits.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) will look at the symptoms a patient is exhibiting to ascertain whether they have POTS. A licensed medical professional should verify and record all symptoms of POTS.
Is It Possible To Prove That POTS Are A Disability?
Patients with POTS usually feel better when lying down. It can be challenging to perform work duties with these symptoms. A diagnosis evidence and symptoms list is required by your insurance company before you claim any benefits. Your insurance company will evaluate your medical evidence of how your symptoms are severe or mild that refrain you from your job.
How Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Is Diagnosed?

Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) can be diagnosed by checking your blood pressure and heart rate before and after standing up.
It is possible that the specialist will perform more tests, such as:
- A blood test
- Tests of urine (pee)
- Tests of the heart and blood pressure, including echocardiograms, ECGs, and 24-hour monitoring
POTS can be difficult to diagnose, as other diseases have similar symptoms.
POTS Symptoms: How to Obtain Medical Evidence?
Just by your diagnosis report, your insurance company will not approve your claim. In order to verify your symptoms, you must document and document them objectively. The symptoms of POTS are often subjective, making them difficult to measure.
Symptoms are often self-reported. Symptoms that are subjective cannot be verified objectively by insurers. It is possible that they will think you are exaggerating your feelings. Still, you can obtain strong medical evidence to support your POTS long-term disability claim.
Your doctor has to be supportive and understand your symptoms and mental condition. Only by their reference can you claim the benefits.
POTS is most commonly diagnosed by cardiologists. In addition to your primary care physician, you may be seeing a neurologist as well.
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): What You Can Do?
It is possible to ease the symptoms of postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
Whenever you feel faint or dizzy, you should lie down and raise your legs until you feel better.
You can try these methods if you are unable to lie down:
- While standing, cross your legs one in front of the other
- Rocking on your toes
- Keeping your tummy and buttocks clenched
- Fist clenching
Changing your lifestyle may also help with POTS.
- Avoid the things that trigger your symptoms
- Make sure your pee is pale by drinking plenty of fluids
- Walk, jog, do pilates, or swim as gentle exercise
- Make sure you're not lying flat on your bed by raising the head of your bed
- To improve blood flow, wear support tights
- Avoid standing for too long
- After lying down, take your time getting up - sit for
- Avoid drinking too much caffeine or alcohol.
Learn A to Z about POTS and its Risks
Long-term disability insurance is preferred by many people, while short-term disability insurance is chosen by others. Insurance companies also offer individual disability insurance policies. You can receive 60% to 70% of your earnings if you have a short-term disability policy.
The policy, however, is only valid for a period of 6 months to 1 year. You can also avail of long-term disability benefits if you face this problem for a long time, like 1 year or 2 years. Keep in mind that getting a POTS disability benefits is hard to achieve.
That's why I would like to suggest to all of my readers that if you are experiencing POTS syndrome, you should change your lifestyle and get started on your treatment. These little changes and treatments will help you to lead a better life than claiming benefits for disability for POTS.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question 1: Can Dysautonomia Kill You?
Answer 1: Dysautonomia, also known as autonomic dysfunction or autonomic neuropathy, is a relatively common condition. The quantity of affected people is more than 60 million people internationally.
This condition can be present at birth or develop gradually or suddenly at any age. A person suffering from dysautonomia can experience mild to severe symptoms, and it may even be fatal, but it is rare.
Question 2- Can POTS cause seizures?
Answer 2- The symptoms associated with hyperadrenergic POTS include increased trembling, also called POTS seizures.
Question 3: Is POTS a serious condition?
Answer 3: There is no life-threatening aspect to POTS, even though it can change your life. Especially you have the chance to fall down from your current position, like sitting or standing. So you may be at risk of getting hurt terribly. POTS does not cause everyone to faint, which may be a rare occurrence for those who do.
Question 4: Do I have POTS or anxiety?
Answer 4- Anxiety symptoms are similar to those of POTS. Both anxiety and POTS can cause palpitations, nausea, lightheadedness, gut symptoms, fatigue, and headaches.
Question 5- What age are POTS most common?Answer 5: Most commonly, POTS affects girls between 15 and 50 years of age. It affects some people mildly, while it affects others severely. It is possible to improve POTS gradually with medication and self-care.