This article is reviewed, corrected, and approved by: Julia Weiss CNP| RN | MPH

Rosacea, a persistent skin issue marked by a flushed face, skin bumps, and noticeable veins, can often lead to annoyance and unease. While there's no permanent cure, incorporating natural remedies into your routine can effectively manage flare-ups and bring tranquility back to your skin.

Understanding Your Triggers: The First Step

Before diving into remedies, identifying your rosacea triggers is crucial. Common culprits include:

  • Sun exposure: Sun is a major aggressor for most rosacea sufferers. Even on days when the sky remains overcast with clouds, it is highly recommened to use a noteable sunblock that has a high SPF. Generally dermatologists suggests something with an SPF of 30 or more for everyday usage. 
  • Spicy foods: Spicy dishes can trigger facial flushing, so be mindful of ingredients like chili peppers, cayenne, and wasabi.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol consumption can dilate blood vessels, worsening redness. Consider moderation or identify specific beverages that trigger flare-ups.
  • Stress: Stress can exacerbate rosacea symptoms. The symptoms of rosacea might worsen under stress. Immerse yourself in calming activities like yoga, meditation, or paced respiration.
  • Skincare products: Sensitive skin prone to rosacea can get irritated by harsh chemicals and scents. Go for moisturizers and cleansers that are mild and unscented.

Natural Remedies For Rosacea Flare Ups: Soothing Remedies

Once you understand your triggers, explore these natural remedies to calm flare-ups and promote overall skin health:

  • Oatmeal: This breakfast staple shines as a rosacea soother. Colloidal oatmeal, finely ground oatmeal, possesses anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. Formulate a blend using water or unflavored yogurt, let it rest on your face for a quarter of an hour, and cleanse with tepid water
  • Aloe Vera: Nature's cooling gel is a godsend for rosacea. Aloe vera's anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties help reduce redness, itching, and burning. Use the refreshing gel directly from the plant, or use an aloe vera product without any aroma. 
  • Honey: Unprocessed honey, especially varieties like Manuka or Kanuka, is celebrated for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits A 2015 study showed its effectiveness in managing rosacea. After 15 minutes, apply a thin coating of raw honey on your skin and thoroughly rinse. 
  • Chamomile: Known for its calming properties, chamomile isn't just for bedtime anymore. Steep chamomile tea bags in cool water, then apply them as compresses to soothe inflamed skin. Consider opting for skincare products enriched with chamomile
  • Green Tea: Green Tea, abundant in antioxidants, aids in diminishing inflammation and redness. Make a potent green tea, let it to cool, then use the infused washcloth to create a soothing compress. 

Essential Oil Powerhouses (Use with Caution):

Essential oils offer concentrated plant extracts with potential benefits for rosacea. However, due to their potency, dilution and proper application are crucial. Here are a few, but always consult a dermatologist before use:

  • Lavender Oil: Lavender, known for its tranquilizing and anti-inflammatory attributes, can help alleviate rosacea outbreaks. Apply topically after diluting 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil in almond or jojoba oil. 
  • Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is antibacterial properties might help with the Demodex mites sometimes associated with rosacea. However, tea tree oil can be irritating, so extreme dilution (1 drop in a tablespoon of carrier oil) is essential. A 2022 study showed promise, but consult your dermatologist before use.

Dietary Tweaks for Inner Balance

Diet has a deep relationship with our skin. Take into account the following dietary changes to treat naturally rosacea flare ups: 

  • Anti-inflammatory Diet: Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, all rich in antioxidants that combat inflammation. Fatty fish like salmon are also beneficial due to their omega-3 content.
  • Identify Food Triggers: Pay attention to how specific foods affect your rosacea. To identify possible triggers and remove them from your diet, keep a food journal. 
  • Stay Hydrated: By keeping your skin moisturized and plump, drinking lots of water can reduce the look of redness. 

Lifestyle Modifications for Lasting Relief

Beyond topical remedies and dietary adjustments, incorporate these lifestyle changes for long-term rosacea management:

  • Manage Stress: Chronic stress can worsen rosacea symptoms. In order to effectively cope with stress, it is advisable to partake in various relaxation techniques such as engaging in yoga sessions, practicing meditation, or engaging in controlled deep breathing exercises. 
  • Gentle Skincare Routine: Your daily skincare routine should involve washing your face twice daily using lukewarm water and a mild, fragrance-free cleanser. Additionally, incorporating stress management techniques into your daily routine, such as engaging in calming activities like yoga, meditation, or controlled breathing, can greatly contribute to your overall well-being.
  • Maintain a Mild Skincare Regimen: Cleanse your face twice a day with tepid water and a mild, scent-free cleanser.Avoid harsh scrubbing or rubbing. You can use a gentle towel to gently pat the skin dry.
  • Sleep Well: Set a goal to sleep 7-8 hours each night. Absolutely, when your body is sufficiently rested, it’s more capable of controlling inflammation, including the kind linked with rosacea.
  • Exercise Regularly: Frequent exercise enhances general health and reduces stress, both of which have a beneficial effect on rosacea. 


  • Consult a Dermatologist: While natural remedies for rosacea flare ups can be helpful, consulting a dermatologist is crucial for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plans. Indeed, professionals can suggest prescription treatments or specialized medical-grade skincare products tailored to your individual requirements.
  • Patch Testing is Key: Patch testing should be done on a tiny region of your inner arm prior to using any new medication. To check for any irritation, wait a full day. Stop using if redness or irritation appear. 
  • Consistency is Essential: Natural remedies work best when used consistently. Don't expect overnight results; give your chosen remedies time to show their effectiveness.
  • Be Patient and Positive: Managing rosacea is a journey, not a destination. Embrace a holistic approach that combines natural remedies, a healthy lifestyle, and professional guidance from your dermatologist. With perseverance and patience, you may effectively manage your rosacea and get more tranquil, healthy skin. 

Additional Tips:

  • Keep a cool mist humidifier near your bed at night to add moisture to the air, which can help soothe dry, irritated skin.
  • Refreain from taking hot baths or showers as they may cause blood vessels to dilate and make redness worse. 
  • In order to protect your exposed skin from the sun, think about donning a headgear with a brim. 
  • Always stay alert and away from non-comedogenic as they won’t block pores and cause skin irritation. 

By integrating these natural treatments, dietary modifications, and lifestyle alterations into your daily regimen, you can efficiently control rosacea outbreaks and attain enduring skin serenity.”Remember, consistency and open communication with your dermatologist are key to a successful journey towards calmer, healthier skin.